An Overview of Bile Duct Injuries in Florida

MRI showing Bile Duct Injury

Bile duct injuries are a common result of gallbladder surgery. These types of injuries are caused by trauma during surgery, and they can lead to the scarring and narrowing of the bile duct, which is a condition known as a bile duct stricture. A bile duct stricture prevents the drainage of bile into the intestine, and this results in the presence of bile in the bloodstream. This leakage can lead to problems, such as jaundice and injuries to the hepatic artery. If you have suffered a bile duct injury during gallbladder surgery, you should contact a northwest Florida bile duct injury attorney as soon as possible. Below is an overview of bile duct injuries in Florida. 

The Symptoms Associated with Bile Duct Injuries

Gallbladder surgery usually has a quick recovery period, so a slow recovery is often a sign that something is wrong. In addition, there are several symptoms associated with bile duct injuries. Some of these symptoms appear immediately following gallbladder surgery, while others don’t appear until weeks or months down the road. Symptoms that appear soon after gallbladder surgery are usually a sign of bile leakage, while delayed symptoms usually indicate a bile duct stricture. Common bile duct injury symptoms include pain, nausea, fever, vomiting, and discomfort. 

Obtain Financial Compensation for Your Bile Duct Injury

If you are a Florida resident who has suffered a bile duct injury, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Doctors in Florida who injure their patients during gallbladder surgery are routinely held financially responsible for the harm they have caused. If your bile duct injury claim is successful, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical expenses, past and future lost wages, pain, and suffering. However, in order to give yourself the best chance at financial compensation for your bile duct injury, you should schedule a consultation with a Florida bile duct injury attorney. 

Let our Florida Bile Duct Injury Attorneys Help You

If you’ve suffered a bile duct injury in Florida, you need an experienced group of northwest Florida bile duct injury attorneys on your side. At Staples Ellis, we understand the serious pain associated with bile duct injuries, so we will do everything in our power to ensure that you are properly compensated for your bile duct injury. In a bile duct injury case, the injured party must prove that his or her physician deviated from the appropriate standard of care. In order to demonstrate this, our northwest Florida bile duct injury attorneys will conduct an extensive investigation to determine exactly how the negligence of your surgeon or medical provider caused your Florida bile duct injury. At Staples Ellis, we handle our medical malpractice cases on a contingency basis, so you owe us nothing unless your case is successful. Please contact us immediately for a free and confidential consultation. 

Posted in: Bile Duct Injuries, Personal Injury