Soft Tissue Injuries in Florida Car Accident Cases

Woman hurt after accident

Following a car accident, most people immediately seek medical care for major injuries like breaks, fractures, punctures, and brain trauma. However, it can be a big mistake to ignore so-called “minor” issues like bruising and muscle and tendon stiffness, as these may be indicative of serious problems. If you were recently involved in a car accident and are experiencing pain of any kind, please review the information below. For additional guidance, please contact a Florida personal injury attorney

Common Soft Tissue Injuries

The body’s soft tissues are easily injured following a serious car accident. Soft tissue injuries can involve trauma to the:

  • Skin, 
  • Tendons,
  • Muscles, and
  • Ligaments.

Soft tissue injuries can be grouped into the following categories:

  • Acute trauma, which results from an external force impacting the body, and
  • Overuse injuries, which are caused by repetitive use of the body’s soft tissues.

Car accidents frequently result in acute trauma injuries. The severity of an acute trauma injury is dependent upon the kind of accident and the severity of the impact. Examples of this include:

  • Bruises
  • Whiplash 
  • Sprains 
  • Strains 
  • Cuts  
  • Abrasions 
  • Stress fractures
  • Bursitis
  • Tendonitis  

Soft Tissue Injury Symptoms

There are many symptoms resulting from these cases, including:

  • A snapping or popping sound during or immediately after a car accident
  • A limited range of motion of the limbs
  • Pain and Swelling
  • Bruising
  • The inability to put weight on a certain area of the body


Mild soft tissue injuries are often treatable at home with rest, ice, compression, and elevation of the affected areas. Anti-inflammatory drugs may also be used in these situations. However, moderate to severe soft tissue injuries often require surgery and physical therapy to the affected area. 

You Deserve Compensation 

If you have suffered any of the above types of injuries due to another person’s negligent behavior, you deserve compensation. Soft tissue injuries are painful, and they frequently require long recovery periods. Often, serious cases result in high medical bills and lost wages due to time missed at work. In order to begin your road to recovery, you should immediately contact a Pensacola personal injury attorney. 

Contact a Pensacola Personal Injury Attorney 

If you’ve suffered injuries in a car accident in Pensacola, Florida, you should immediately contact a Florida personal injury attorney for help. Located in Pensacola, Florida, Staples, Ellis + Associates, P.A., has over seventy years of combined experience representing the victims of car accidents in Northwest Florida and Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, and Walton Counties. At Staples Ellis, we understand the physical, emotional, and financial pain that car accidents cause to victims and their families. Therefore, if you or a loved one have suffered in a car accident in Pensacola or Northwest Florida, Staples Ellis is here to help. Please contact our office as soon as possible to set up a consultation with one of our talented attorneys.

Posted in: Auto Accidents